Chemical Cleaning
Chemical Cleaning
Environmental Restrictions, Safety Hazards, Expensive Disposal of Spent Chemicals, Scheduling Restraints, Critical Time Workloads, Environmental Regulations and safety hazards associated with toxic cleaning chemistries are all common problems with plant start-ups and turn-around maintenance. Verchem Industrial Chemical Cleaning Services minimized these potential difficulties with safe, efficient, custom-engineered chemical cleaning methods.
Pre-operational boiler and process plant chemical cleaning services
Pre-commissioning boiler and process plant chemical cleaning services
Post-operational boiler and process plant chemical cleaning services
Refinery and Petrochemical plants turnaround degassing/decontamination services
Chemistry Selection
- Presence of special metallurgy.
- Need of low chloride chemistry.
- Flow requirement for cleaning.
- Corrosion rate of chemistry chosen.
- Disposal requirement of chemistry.
Dangers of Choosing Wrong Chemistry
- High risk of severe base metal corrosion if cleaning is not carried out properly.
- Damage to special alloys sensitive to chlorides.
- Net cleaning effect more harm done to system than good.
- Harmful effect may well be long term.
- Does not manifest itself immediately.
Disadvantages Of Conventional Methods
- Uses corrosive mineral acids such as HCL.
- System piping has to be dismantle extensively to avoid damage to components with special alloys.
- Time consuming dismantling.
- Separate degreasing stage required prior to actual acid pickling to remove oil and grease.
- This generates about 2 volume more waste which is today very costly to treat and dispose.
- Mineral acids very corrosive.
- Poses maximum exposure hazards to personnel and equipment.
Other Condsiderations
- Evaluation should be based on both tangible and intangible aspect of service offer
- Importance of Experienced Service Company with proven track records
Pre-Operational /
- Removes construction debris, oil and grease
- Complete removal of millscale
- Passivate newly cleaned metal surface
The Need To Clean:
- To avoid lengthy start-ups.
- Reduce wastage of raw materials and feed stock due to contamination by debris and millscale
- Ensure safety start-up and operation of equipment where absence of equipment internal is absolutely critical.
- Prevent early onset of corrosion due to presence of scale.
- Avoid catalyst contamination.
- Decrease time necessary to attain low dew points.
- Remove particulates that may cause problems in close tolerance areas.
Step Two
To remove operational deposits that have accumulated during normal operation of the unit since the last cleaning. For Boiler, the objective is to remove deposits from the inside of boiler tubes which improves the boiler heat rate, reduces tube failures and improves the stability of boiler chemistry
The Need To Clean:
- When there’s increased pressure drop and reduced heat transfer due to fouling that affects normal process parameters and reduces throughput.
- If fouling or operational scale deposits can lead to localized under-deposit corrosion or overheating problems.
- For Boiler Chemical Cleaning, Boiler with Scale Density Test results of tube samples from high heat flux area are used to determine the need to clean.
Proven Chemical Cleaning Technology
VERTAN® V665 Single-fill Chemistry
VERTAN® V675 Alkaline Copper Removal (ACR) Process
Highly effective solvent for removing operational deposits of Iron oxide and copper oxides and elemental copper from internal boiler surfaces in the alkaline pH range of 9.2 with larger boilers cleaned in hours or less. The ability of V675 process to remove iron and copper oxides and copper as well in a single fill is what makes it valuable to the industry as a solvent.
Used with our Vertan® chelant for Pre-operational Chemical cleaning process. F082 effectively removes grease or oil contaminants from piping and/or equipment’s internal surfaces.
A300 Corrosion Inhibitor
Proven Results

Boiler Steam Drum 1